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An Paenhuysen and Wolfgang Muller - Journal of their 2017 Artegiro Residency for Authors


Last May, in Conzano, the first Artegiro Residency for Authors took place in Villa Vidua, over a period of two weeks.

The Residency saw critic and curator, An Paenhuysen in collaboration with artist and author Wolfgang Müller, engaged in concluding their publication, ” 11 Objects of the Science of Misunderstanding”. The project is now completed and a published Artist edition, just launched by the Walther Von Goethe Foundation.

An and Wolfgang, like all Artegiro Residency participants, kept a journal but with these two the Residency journal took an all new meaning. Their public performance at the conclusion of their Residency, a performance that included some of their journal text too, gave the audience a strong hint that the Residency journal this time around was also a work of art in its own right!

It is our pleasure to allow access to the journal in its original text (in English), but with the Italian translation. We plan a oublication of it, so watch this space for more news! ( click on link to download the journal pdf )

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