Emily Humphries, recipient of the 2010 Artegiro Artist Residency, has produced some of her most intriguing work in :
Ecstasy : In and Out of the Sublime, her new exhibition which will be presented by Artegiro Gallery between the 8 October and 7 November 2010.
The exhibition will open also on line at 6pm Italian time at both the Artegiro site ( www.artegiro.com) and the artist'site: www.emilyhumphries.com.
In the Artegiro tradition a vernissage is held after the opening of the show . The vernissage will therefore happen on 16 October.
The same evening an Encounter with the artist and art critic and artist Luciano Ponzio will take place at 8pm.
A special opening for collectors and the press will be held the afternoon of Saturday 16 October as well as every Saturday and Sunday afternoon after that.
to confirm your presence at the vernissage please reply via email or phone on 16 October:
artegirofineart@gmail.com or via phone +39 347 29 72 848
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