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Luciana Perin

Landscape Forms I & II

Pasta and sepia ink.

Landscape Forms I & II explores the exhibition theme
Australia: myth and reality from a personal perspective.
The artwork addresses the artist’s background, the relationship with Australia and the negotiation of culture and history within a new location.

It presents the complexities of cultural dualism; the physical and psychological consequences that arise from human ‘translocation” and “dislocation”. Suggested in the artwork is information
about the dimension of reality that is evoked through ones memory’….. …..about place(s) and time(s), from there and then (Europe), to here and now (Australia).

This work is about the reality of space, time and duration specifically through the exploration of a preserved memory of a place and its inhabitants where I was born. The human presence connected to the idea of land in Landscape Forms I & II, invites questioning of fixed ideas and meaning about definitions of what is retained from a specific ethnic identity and the mixture that arises from intergration / crossing between two cultures.

Central to this work is the explorations of materiality as a sensory vehicle for evoking memory. The humble, fragile material, encapsulates the feeling of impermanence. As the pasta dries and cracks it expands……changing slowly, resembling less the initial shaped form/s created by the artist…. as are our recollections.
The material appears stronger than it is, yet through its very organic nature is difficult to preserve.